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Monday, March 15, 2010

ActBlue — Stand up for Fire Dog Rep. Kucinich

Last September, progressive groups including MoveOn, DFA and blogs across the country came together to raise over $430,000 for 65 members of Congress who pledged to vote against any health care bill that doesn't have a public option.

Today, only one of them is keeping that promise: our very own FDL Fire Dog Dennis Kucinich

Instead of supporting Kucinich for keeping his pledge and holding onto his vote for a public option, MoveOn is demonstrating against him because of it. He's being threatened with primary challenges, and President Obama is going to his district today to campaign for the health care bill.

Help show Washington that it pays to stand up to corporate power. Donate $5 and let Fire Dog Dennis Kucinich know we've got his back for keeping his pledge to oppose any bill without a public option.

ActBlue — Stand up for Fire Dog Rep. Kucinich

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