MadHat, Inc. is a non-profit organization, registered as such in the State of North Carolina. Its mission is to encourage innovative literature and collaborations among and between writers, visual artists, composers, and film-makers. Its President/Chairman of the Board is Carol Novack. Click on the website link for details of our exciting new endeavors. Click HERE to LIKE us on facebook.
MadHat, Inc’s current projects include:
Mad Hatters’ Review, a multi-media online journal, first published by Ms. Novack in 2005, with the assistance of Managing Editor Alla Michelle Watson and our wonderful webmaestress Shirley Harshenin. The journal is currently an annual, issuing every winter. Please see its masthead for a list of current editors.
MadHat Press is launching formally with the publication of a poetry chapbook authored by the first prizewinner of a contest judged by poet CAConrad. Please access the Press via the tab for details of the contest and submission procedures; submissions will open on June 15, 2011 and end on August 31, 2011. Poet, fiction, and non-fiction writer Marc Vincenz is Managing Editor of MadHat Press.
MadHat’s Little Mountain Retreat, to be hosted/run by Carol Novack in her home overlooking The Blue Ridge Highway, fewer than 10 minutes’ drive from the gorgeous, artsy city of Asheville, North Carolina, opening this summer. Details via the Retreat tab above.
The Mad Hatters’ Review Blog features selected fictions and poetics submitted for publication. Hosted by Review editors Marc Vincenz and Susan Lewis, the Blog will also feature short book reviews/comments about contributors’ books, mini interviews of arts professionals, and other items of interest, including Review and contributors’ news and events. Access the Blog tab for information.
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