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Sunday, January 04, 2009

Obama Supporters = Liberal? The Confluence

Obama Supporters = Liberal? The Confluence

From The Confluence: An Invitation to Democrats In Exile, sounding like one of the voices in my over-populated head:

"Thinking back and in the present, my oh my how the tables have turned.

Looking back, if you were NOT an Obama supporter you were a racist, republican plant, even though you fought against just about everything George W. Bush stood for starting with the Election of 2000 right along with your liberal brethren. Or, at least with people you thought held the same values.

If you didn’t agree that Ronald Reagan was a beacon of Liberalism you were a republican who just hated black people.

If you wanted mandated health care to help usher in Universal Health Care, you were a republican who just hated black people.

If you pointed out sexism, you were just a republican who hated black people.

If you disagreed with domestic spying, and supported a candidate who actually disagreed with it, you were just a republican who hated black people.

If you were aghast at the media bias, you were just a republican who hated black people.

If you despise election fraud, you were just a republican who hated black people.

Now, it turns out, if you disagree with or question Obama on Rick Warren, the bailout, Proposition 8, Caroline Kennedy, Eric Holder, Robert Gates, or the measly representation of women in his cabinet, and you supported and voted for Obama, you too are just a republican who hates black people.

To all my long lost friends who trashed Hillary supporters as racists and republicans, I want to know how you feel about being part of our club. Do you still feel good with what you did to friends who simply disagreed? How does it feel to be called a racist? How does it feel to have your friends accuse you of republicanism? How does it feel to be railroaded out of the party? Does the Democratic Party represent liberalism in any sense of the word?

I wish I could say that I feel bad, but I don’t, I have one full year of experience under my belt and feel pretty darn comfortable with my political ideology, liberalism. I might have some empathy in about six months or so after you have sufficiently paid the price for questioning Obama from your “liberal” friends. I am only human and enjoy the karma playing out before me. Sue me!

Okay, not really. Please do join us. We are the real democrats, the real liberals. People who question are not enemies they are friends. People who do not blindly support politicians are not enemies they are friends. Welcome aboard, fellow PUMA’s who didn’t know it!"

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